Tether Fud Vs USD Fud

Un Tethered
7 min readFeb 23, 2021

When I first wrote about Tether in 2017 the situation was very different, Tether was being banked by a non-bank entity known as Cryptocapital while since that time Cryptocapital has MELTED away, Deltec bank (a real bank) has emerged, and Tether is officially now banked by a ‘real’ bank which operates like all ‘real’ bank’s around the world, and most likely all exchanges using fractional reserves. While the crypto market has been through a down cycle and is currently enjoying an upcycle with BTC > 40K as I write. But while all the Bitfinex/Tether critiques such as Bifinexed, David, Amy, Trolly, etc. have continued apace highlighting the inconsistencies with Tether not providing proof that they have reserves to match the now staggering > 30B USDT in circulation. I have a question for you, are you being fully honest?

The world we live in has changed, Central Bank Direct Control (CBDC) is around the corner, Forced Covid lockdowns has killed independent businesses in the ‘real’ world, while private central banks have printed more USD than previously existed (globally), putting the majority of that new currency in their cronies debtor's pockets, while people are being vaccinated at alarming rates with God only knows what, no animal testing ensures catastrophe there, and all the Tether Critiques can point to is that Tether is also printing woohoo.

If the peg (USD) prints and you don’t, and you're trying to peg to them, who is cheating who? You can only maintain a peg if both sides print. It's not just about how many USD are now in crypto, it's also about how many USD there are in the world. That’s just basic logic.

I find it incredibly disingenuous that the Tether Fudders have such a warped perspective of fraud, that if you think the only fraud in the world is in the crypto market, and that central bank printing is normal, legal, OK, acceptable, or necessary, and that Tether printing is not then I call that hypocritical. Such double standards are suspicious and there is either cognitive dissonance at play in their minds or they are totally ignorant of economics, financial fraud, or the wider scams being perpetuated right now.

There is also the possibility that some Tether fudders are actually working out an agenda, and are literally paid to create the Fud by the Private Central Banks who are clearly panicking that they have lost the utter trust of the public and are racing to cripple the global economy in age-old tried and tested effort to remain relevant by gaining control through WAR. While making fertile ground for the 666 patented Gates ID2020 Mark Of The Beast with the Central Bank Direct Control (CBDC) system that is about to be launched globally with the assistance of central bank controlled MIT, that system comes along with the new feature ‘requirement’ of usage that your browser history and online social media accounts do not contradict the ‘official narrative’, whatever that is while ‘they who now hide’ have designated hate speech as anything that questions vaccine safety or them. Are you kidding yourself or is that not normal?

Theirs not to make reply,

Theirs not to reason why,

Theirs but to do and die.

IF you think that what is going on in the world is wrong, and you recognize that the private central banks are guilty of profiting from both sides distress, classic Divide and Rule, then you have to acknowledge that this is a war between good vs evil, whereby the decentralized is good and centralized is the evil, and if you cannot see that, you must believe in slavery. There is no other way to visualize this logic.

If you are a Tether Fudder now, the problem you are actually complaining about is the current economic model, whereby central entities such as private central banks or ‘Tether’ in crypto, or APPLE, or TESLA, can print digital share certificates and manipulate the market to trade them with elastic prices. This is how the current economic model works globally. Tether is not doing anything different, illegal or immoral if you accept and believe that central entities such as “PRIVATE” central banks can have a monopoly on printing money, and they have the gall to actually charge interest on that! Yet crypto comes along and private entities figure out how to copy the same logic, (Tether), and you pipe up and claim for the first time it’s morally wrong. Why? No bank? they fixed that! What no audit? Show me the audit of the Frauderal Reserve. Show me the Audit of ECB or Any so-called private central bank such as the Japanese or Chinese central banks.

You know why there has been no FINCEN alert on Tether or Deltec, or why the NYAG is dragging their feet? Because their ‘argument’ is erroneous, they accuse Tether of not having money that was stolen from them by their ‘authorities’. You cannot steal the reserves then seriously make a case they were trading unbacked. The reason any other 4 letter agency has not put a warrant out for all their principal's arrest or has designated what Tether is doing as illegal? Because it would expose the scam that the Frauderal Reserve is doing, along with all the other private central banks and the central-central Bank of International Settlements that sits at the head of the central octopus along with the World Bank, The IMF, and all the other AGENCIES OF THE CENTRAL CARTEL.

Tether has remained in control of the 1–1 Peg, Tether has not let that drop, it holds on despite bull market and bear markets. Yes they use it to manipulate the prices on exchanges, and yes exchanges are corrupt or immoral and trade against their users, as do exchanges in the FIAT share world cough cough (Robinhood). But that's not the way this game works, exchanges use flash crashes to recoup profits from speculators and shake out weak hands, this is more profitable than letting that USD peg go. Just like the FED threatens to print into infinity, Tether can do the same, it’s a number on the screen in the meantime that goes up, on both sides of the digital divide be that of the centralized or decentralized world view.

I applaud Bitfinex and Tether for taking all the grit they have, for not running away when they got hacked, for defending themselves against me and the other fudders who have for years been at them, accusing them of wrongdoing. For not running away when they got sued by a bunch of people who blamed them for the price of BTC going down but were super ignorant when the price was going up (good luck with that argument). Tether is allowing development to continue, and expand decentralized offerings (thank you ETH and Metamask) they are supporting, independent developers and the ecosystem by just remaining to be there, and yes by keeping up with the Fraudural Reserve.

Do you know what is wrong? Tether had 400M USD confiscated in Poland that had been deposited in a ‘real bank’ that basically was seized under some erroneous allegations that have never been supported publicly, allegedly complaining that it was mafia cartel money. The money was never returned - that was wrong! You know what else was wrong, we were calling Tether out when the circulation was under 1 billion and saying look this could go wrong, while they actually had at least 500 Million stashed cash in a real bank. If I was running Tether, sure I would switch to buying digital assets to back Tether, assets that were run by real companies in the decentralized space, my first choice would be to invest in decentralized messaging and social media (status.im), and decentralized lending, borrowing, and decentralized Parachains. Layer 0 chains. Why? That is the future that's why. Not these dinosaurs who have made their wealth from war and blood.

When your choice is to put your money into a legit bank and have it ‘legally’ seized or to buy decentralized tokens, that don't ask you a million questions before you can buy or sell, or instead let them control your spending with the 666 Mark of the beast - ‘health certificate’ that sits in your arm with the central bank direct control (CBDC) which forces you to shut your mouth on social media for fear of upsetting Moloch, or finding that the artificial intelligence 5G termination station just decided to turn off your life support!

There is a lot wrong with the world right now, but Tether printing is not the issue we have. The main issue we have is Central Bank Direct Control and no one is talking about the dangers of this. When schools in the UK implemented fingerprint control on vending machines to buy food and drink, no one in the schools objected, not the children, nor the teachers, nor the parents. When the Central Bank Direct Control was announced, no media debated it, but rather it was announced as part of the new normal, and something coming that we need to adapt to. We are all walking in the dark squabbling over finger-pointing at low-level fraud but if war is perpetrated by those who are behind the curtain’, then not an iota is mentioned. You are about to embark on Germanwings Airbus A320 and this guy is telling you something you need to hear!

The central bank's repeatedly have a wet dream where Tether drops the peg, that they can use that argument to muzzle and intimidate the crypto space with (FUD) new regulations, thereby making their own unstable token called the Central Bank Direct Control (CBDC) the one and only unstable token in the world, keeping the public encaged, and enslaved another 100 years. Wake up. Wake up. You just wet the bed, and your slaves are running away!


